Milestone Memories~ Cheerios Inspired! A Contest & A Giveaway!

Once upon a time...MommyO had a baby girl.  That baby girl was lovingly nicknamed Beebo.  Beebo was a fantastic little crawler who crawled, crawled, crawled!  From about 7.5mths on...

Someday, around 9.5mths, that crawling just did nothing for her.  Nothing.  It was fast, but she was super tired of seeing the world from only this view.  Beebo decided, it was time to up the ante!

Pull...up!   Pull....up!

A whole new world!

MommyO's sights got just a wee too big and she thought for sure that Beebo would be a walkin', toddling, toddler by her 1st birthday.  Glad i didn't tell anyone that!!... For Beebo, was not walking by her first birthday, she was still- VERY much a couch-surfer. 

Case in Point- she's looking at her buddy wondering why she just lets go? Huh?

She was much much too confident at couch-surfing to let go- for real.  MommyO had made her little world so easy.  MommyO had not properly challenged the wee young thing.  Beebo's drive and desire was not there.

Since we had easily been couch-surfing for MONTHS, i decided to dump girlies world WAY upside down!

At bedtime (when i like to make all things disappear: toys that have worn out their welcome, bits of paper that have been pretend something be-gone!, clothing--the list is endless as to what goes missing at the end of day!!!), MommyO took all the end tables...and such out of the livingroom.  In fact, out of the whole first floor!  And hid them in the garage.

Next day, Beebo could not couch-surfer quite so confidently.  By lunchtime, she had fallen flat on her face more times than i would have liked, but she was trying more than ever before.  After a good nap (falling is tiresome!), Beebo let go and never looked back!  We had a walker!

Too bad MommyO hadn't decided to make furniture go missing sooner! 

Oh well. 

SO.  Why did i just tell you all that??

Cheerios Canada is having a contest, celebrating these milestones!  Cheerios have a special relationship with our children early on in life (common finger food) and now they'd like to celebrate these moments in a different way.

You could have your child featured on a special edition Cheerios box and WIN $10,000 towards an RESP from TD Canada Trust!!   Plus, free Cheerios for a year!

(*Cheerios Milestones Contest ends December 15th, 2010 and is open to all Canadians who have reached the age of Majority.)

To Enter, all you have to do is visit and upload a photo of your child's Cheerios Milestone!  Examples of this could be a picture of your child making artwork with Cheerios or even, just enjoying them as a snack!

Next, write a short description of how Cheerios has played a part in your child's early years.

That's it! 

But that's not all...

*Simply leave me a comment below, telling me a story about one of your child's milestones!  One lucky reader (though all Peek Thru Our Window readers are very lucky!) will win a Cheerios Playbook!*

*Playbook Contest open October 6th- October 29th, 2010
to all Canadians*

Disclosure: I am participating in the Cheerios Milestones program by Mom Central on behalf of General Mills.  I received a gift card as a thank you for my participation.  The opinions of this blog are my own.


Matty saidā€¦
Well, I will skip the contest, but I must say that Cheerios have been my favorite cereal since I was young enough to remember. Go Power!
Mom vs. the boys saidā€¦
my favourite milestone is the first kiss! yeah, the first unprompted pucker up when your little babe leans over and gives you a smacker, just because they want to!
Unknown saidā€¦
I loved when one of my twins decided that keeping the plate on his tray and eating with a spoon (okay, trying to eat with a spoon) was more than fun throwing it all every time.
His brother is slower to come around, but if I hold a bowl, he'll dip the spoon and eat whatever comes up.

homejunk at shaw dot ca

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