Sobey's BBQ Part1- The Appetizer


When I was contacted to participate in the Sobey's "Fire Up the Grill" event, i was stoked! We are a BIG bbq'ing family (you know, the kind that shovels out the Bbq in the winter because steaks simply taste better that way!) and this product review sounded super yummy!

With the recipes chosen and my ingredient shopping list on hand, i was off to Sobey's. I made sure not to take my children on this shopping trip, so that I could enjoy a Caramel Macchiato there would be no distractions while shopping for my wares.

Wise decision. Turns out, finding 4lbs! of fresh basil is kinda hard to find- no problem finding basil in smaller packages, but definitely not enough to make my own basil! Hmm...snag, what to do, what to do?
"I have two basil plants in the greenhouse..." i think to myself (thankfully to myself. I am quite known to just talk to people in the grocery store, lol).
"Not enough. Hmm..."

On a trip to the store prior, i had picked up a copy of "Inspired". Last minute i had decided to throw it in my bag,! I knew what i had chosen to make for dinner, but i wondered if i should change my recipe due to the limited basil? A few yummy options were presented, but in the end i decided to buy Sobey's Compliments Sensation brand Traditional Style Pesto (page 14) and to make a third recipe that also highlighted Sobey's awesome Compliments Sensation Aged Balsamic Vinegar of Modena!

Back home and ready to start grilling...

Grilled Pesto Prawn Skewers
Serves 4
(page 12)

32 Medium Sized Prawns
1 package of Sobey's Compliment Sensation Traditional Style Pesto
*added Cherry tomatoes for the kids*

1. In a bowl, coat prawns with pesto, cover and refrigerate for up to 30 minutes.
2. Preheat grill to low.
3. Remove prawns from fridge and thread onto 8 soaked bamboo skewers. Grill skewers for 2-3 minutes on each side.
4. Serve immediately.

All coated up!

All cooked up!

The pesto really was a great addition to the prawns. It coated the prawns up nice and thick and *most* of the Pesto even stayed on during cooking. We definitely enjoyed them and will be cooking them like this again! I do however, wish that i was able to make my own Pesto... but will have to save that for another time.
I totally encourage you to try this simple appetizer yourself!

For the second installment of Sobey's BBQ Feast...The Taste Test!

**Peek Thru Our Window was given a gift card to cover all the costs for ingredients in these recipes. ENJOY-we sure did!**


Teena in Toronto saidā€¦
We have a BBQ with a gasline to the house so BBQ all year 'round. Yum!
Rebecca saidā€¦
With the shrimp all marinating and then on the skewers...I was saying "...mmmmmmm....mmmmm......mmmm"

Looks amazingly great.
Unknown saidā€¦
Pesto shrimp! My mouth is watering just looking at the photos. Sounds like a recipe too good to loose. Rosemary
Claudya Martinez saidā€¦
I love prawns, I love pesto. I've never had them together. Yum.

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